While it’s music that put Branson, Missouri, on the map, the local cuisine goes a long way in keeping visitors well-fed and hungry to discover all the city has to offer.
David Abolafia
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Branson: When Hollywood Comes to the Midwest
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While Branson, Missouri, is known as the Live Entertainment Capital of the World, it has a rich history associated with another type of entertainment: movies. For nearly 75 years, Hollywood has come to the Midwest in search of just the right vistas – be it the mountainous terrain of the Interior Highlands or the tranquil […]
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Visit Biloxi: Cruisin’ The Coast®, October 4-11
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This October, it will be time to get your motor running, and head out on the highway… to Biloxi, for the 19th annual Cruisin’ The Coast® event, featuring numerous activities for everyone, including cruise-ins, headline bands and oldies entertainment.
Tagged with: biloxi, cruisin the coast, take a getaway, take a getaway blog
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Biloxi Dishes Out Delicious Fare
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When looking for a place to eat in Biloxi, the options are nearly as fascinating and diverse as the area’s history. No matter whether you’re looking to savor the flavor of the Gulf Coast, or look for local twists on popular favorites, there’s nary a bad bite to be had.
Visit Austin: Out of Bounds Comedy Festival, September 1-7
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When you think about it, it makes perfect sense that a city that prides itself on “keeping it weird” also happens to be home to the largest multi-disciplinary comedy festival in the South. And if you want to take in some of the hilarity and hijinks that are in store, then you need to find […]
Tagged with: austin, comedy, comedy festival, out of bounds, take a getaway, take a getaway blog
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Eating Your Way Through Austin
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While the city of Austin might be dedicated to “keeping it weird,” visitors who arrive with an appetite might consider reimagining that slogan as “keeping it tasty.” The Texas state capital is known for its exciting and eclectic cuisine, with eateries that please the palate across the savory spectrum.
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Shifting Road Trip Enjoyment Into High Gear
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We’ve all heard the expression “Getting there is half the fun.” At the same time, many of us have experienced road trip tedium that has worked to disprove that maxim. Fortunately, there are ways to ensure that, when you load up the car for your next vacation, you’ll wind up logging family enjoyment along with […]
Tagged with: bathroom breaks, electronics, gas stations, map, music, road trip, soundtrack, world's largest
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From Casinos to Classics: Atlantic City Dining
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When roaming the streets of an unfamiliar city, trying to find a primo eatery on your own can be something of a gamble. That’s why doing your research ahead of time is always a safe bet. In Atlantic City, for example, you can improve your odds considerably by checking out some local favorites.
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Multi-Purpose Travel Essentials
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While the last-minute packing frenzy often leaves you asking, “Did I forget anything?” before your vacation has even started, there are certain items you should always take with you – to help address any manner of snags that can crop up as you go on your way. In fact, these particular doodads are so handy […]
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Eating Your Way Through Anaheim
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When you choose a vacation destination, it’s the unique attributes of that locale that make it appealing. Finding new things to do, and new ways to do them are often at the heart of a travel itinerary, so finding what makes a place special – that’s at the heart of so many memories. In Anaheim […]
Tagged with: anaheim, burnt truck, chapter one, destination, dogzilla, hidden dinner, hobbit, il garage, playground, restaurants, take a getaway, travel, xa sweet & savory