In the place where the settlement of America began, a noteworthy festival is paying homage to the customs and traditions that were an essential part of everyday life way back when.
While frightful films and the terrors that leap off the page are fictional, they will be crossing over into the real world for one weekend in Williamsburg – to do battle with something even more sinister.
By definition, a “college town” is a community that is dominated by its university population. The university may be large, or there may be several smaller institutions clustered within its confines, but the key element is how the schools impact the area’s economic and social life. One way in which colleges and universities can affect interest […]
For many people, Memorial Day is the first true holiday – as in, a work holiday – since January. A few lucky folks get off for President’s Day, but even so, it’s been months. So now that you’re heading into a three-day weekend, the question is not just “What do you want to do?” but […]